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Friday, February 11, 2011

in the beginning

It had been a trap. Female slapped the whore that had played bait. Her talons scraped across the flesh, leaving a momento of the harlot's failure.

The first time I saw a bunch of guys sitting around talking through playing a game I was a little bored at first. There was no gameboard or deck of cards, just paperwork and dice. But as I watched them play and tried my hardest to understand their jokes, I analyzed their story and couldn't understand why they kept doing it wrong.

Why couldn't their characters see the clues right in front of them? I started to point it out a few times, but in the end I was forced to allow their story to unfold without my bits of wisdom as I had not created a character & joined them in playing.

I learned a very important lesson those days: watching people play D&D is boring and irritating. It is so much worse that going out with your boyfriend to his friends' house to hangout while they all play video games for hours.

I made an unspoken vow to never again allow that to happen. I would never again be that girl sitting there for four hours watching the guys play.

I began to craft my own characters, to join them on these adventures. I would be the barbarian half-orc with a crowbar or the dragonborn warlord with ice breath.

Steps were taken to become less sappy and be taken more serious by gaming geeks. It's still a work in progress.
Posted from Blogium for iPhone


  1. I don't mind it so much. These boys, while engrossed, still include the non-players in conversation.

    But, I never tried to hang for three hours...
