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Friday, April 22, 2011

A Great Deal on a Horse

Fe'male entered the inn and spoke with one of the smaller men but it seemed all of these horses were far out of her price range. Most were too small to even carry her and she had a feeling they weren't excited to see a dragonborn ride one of their quality work horses.

Finally a larger man came through and wanted to strike a deal. The price was more reasonable even though it was almost all she had. The horse was a perfect size for her and black as the shells at her side.

The man allowed her to pay most of the cost now and to pay the rest when she returned the horse. She agreed and as she rode away she was very pleased to think that this town had at least one nice man who knew an honorable dragonborn when he saw one.

She rode up the Hurry towards Banda Cate. The Hurry was the only road that lead from Devil's Bay up to Banda Cate. That's the next stop for her journey, but it's a few days ride away. Fe'male rode hard and this horse could handle it.

As the first night approached, Fe'male slowed her pace as she saw something large in the distance. It turned out to be the remnants of a raided caravan. The bandits that frequent this road had destroyed or taken most of the cargo. Fe'male placed a couple of the statues scattered about in her bag.

The next day she had made it to Little Choice Inn, the halfway point on The Hurry. It wouldn't hurt to have a decent night's sleep and some meat in her belly before carrying on.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Seashells by the Seashore

Fe'male roams the street trying to shake off the previous night. The cot had been so small it was hard to decide which was worse: the night in jail or the nights at sea.

She heard a man peddling maps. This man proved truly knowledgeable about this town and its surrounding areas. He also suggested visiting the money exchanger as she paid for the map and information he provided.

Fe'male walked down the beach. Waves licked the shore. She stared out to sea. She knew it was impossible to see her homeland from here and she almost laughed at herself as she surveyed the horizon.

She took a knee and picked a handful of black shells out of the sand. She placed them in a small drawstring sack and tied it to her belt. The first assignment of the journey completed, she sat for a short time watching the ships but knew she must be moving on.

As Fe'male entered the heart of town she smelled something wonderful and heard the growl of her stomach.

She quickly made her way to the money changer. They negotiated and she received a handful of coin. She rubbed her finger over the last draconic coin and placed it back in her bag. This one she will keep.

Now to follow that smell. She entered the bakery. Stepping out with a fresh loaf, she tried it. It wasn't meat, but it was delicious compared to what she's been eating.

After her fill of bread Fe'male made her way to the north. Just outside of town she walked into the stables. She would be travelling far on this continent and a horse would make it quicker.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Free Night's Stay

Looking down the dock, this place was bustling with commerce. Men running around hauling ropes & nets. Kobolds hauling crates back and forth.

Fe'Male decided to take a quick stroll down near the docks just to get a feel for this new place. She caught a few words in Draconic from the kobolds and was just a little more homesick. She did not know how long this journey would keep her from the home she loved.

She was on her way back up the dock when she heard a familiar tone of garbled gibberish. Looking ahead she saw her friend from the boat with two men. This time he had one arm in a sling. However, the other pointed at her.

Fe'male tried to ignore these men and go on her way, but he had other ideas. As these new friends approached, they drew weapons. With a sigh, Fe'male reached onto her back and drew her halberd to defend herself.

This was just a small misunderstanding, no need for bloodshed. Fe'male, skilled with her weapon, easily took these two to the ground leaving only a few bruises. Then, from behind came the one armed man's attack. Fe'male quickly dodged and grabbed the man by the forearm. He struggled, wide-eyed; Fe'male tilted her head and smiled just a little as her grip tightened. A familiar sound for them both.

Clang! The guards had been quick to take the halberd. Then, they got Fe'male into the jail cell as quickly as possible. It all felt a little unfair. The men that attacked her were left free while she spent the night in jail over a couple of broken arms. Now all she could smell was fear.

Friday, April 15, 2011

I'm on a Boat

The ship swayed closer and closer to the shore. They had made the call that signalled sighting of land minutes before. It was mid-afternoon and the sun shone through the cracks of the planks separating the decks. Fe'male had been most comfortable when it was darker. In the dark, she could see her fellow travellers better than they could see her. It was during afternoons like this one that they took turns surveying her while passing the time on such a long time at sea.

It was during afternoons like this that some passed the time by drinking too much and did more than survey from afar. Fe'male tried to keep her head down, but she stood a head taller than anyone else aboard. She reminded herself of the reason she was in this situation, the mission at hand. But the smell was almost blinding. These humans smelled and the ones that drank smelled the strongest.

This human was all Fe'male could smell. The stench filled her long snout. She could taste it the length of her tongue. She worried the stench may stick to her scales.

He garbled, but she only caught a few words: can never tell. She stood unwavering as he reached towards her. But, as he grabbed the chest plate of her dragonborn  chainmail armor, he had gone too far. With trained reflexes, her talons had grasped both his arms, pulling him off. She had dealt with this particularly odorous man the entire trip, but he had not been so bold to attempt an assault before now. Even still, if they had not been ready to disembark or if her gentle defense had persuaded him to end this, she wouldn't have tightened her grip.

A snap and a scream were the next sounds Fe'male heard. She was able to quickly slide past the man as he was preoccupied with his broken arm. As her eyes quickly adjusted she walked down the ramp onto the dock of Devil's Bay.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Everything's gonna change

Wom-anne looked down at the Imperial Captain.

The body & spirit crushing trauma of the past years of enslavement had changed her. What used to be a mousy droid mechanic who was at peace by the side of her Tech was nowhere to be seen.

As the shots rang out, Dorge turned to see a confident face with a hint of a smirk. The Captain lay motionless, now a mess. "They really messed you up huh?" Calmly she replied "Yea, it was pretty bad"

As she answered, Dorge saw a flicker of that mousy girl, gone in a blink.

They quickly surveyed the massacre surrounding them. Both sides were gone. They had barely survived along with a droid and a twi'lek. Rebels lay dead inside and surrounding the monorail. Stormtroopers lay in formation, having been unwaivering in their devotion to their Captain.

With some quick glances, they all begin to make their way out of this bloody clearing, into the city. They hope to avoid any further surprises while here, but lately life has not been easy for Dorge or Wom-anne