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Friday, April 15, 2011

I'm on a Boat

The ship swayed closer and closer to the shore. They had made the call that signalled sighting of land minutes before. It was mid-afternoon and the sun shone through the cracks of the planks separating the decks. Fe'male had been most comfortable when it was darker. In the dark, she could see her fellow travellers better than they could see her. It was during afternoons like this one that they took turns surveying her while passing the time on such a long time at sea.

It was during afternoons like this that some passed the time by drinking too much and did more than survey from afar. Fe'male tried to keep her head down, but she stood a head taller than anyone else aboard. She reminded herself of the reason she was in this situation, the mission at hand. But the smell was almost blinding. These humans smelled and the ones that drank smelled the strongest.

This human was all Fe'male could smell. The stench filled her long snout. She could taste it the length of her tongue. She worried the stench may stick to her scales.

He garbled, but she only caught a few words: can never tell. She stood unwavering as he reached towards her. But, as he grabbed the chest plate of her dragonborn  chainmail armor, he had gone too far. With trained reflexes, her talons had grasped both his arms, pulling him off. She had dealt with this particularly odorous man the entire trip, but he had not been so bold to attempt an assault before now. Even still, if they had not been ready to disembark or if her gentle defense had persuaded him to end this, she wouldn't have tightened her grip.

A snap and a scream were the next sounds Fe'male heard. She was able to quickly slide past the man as he was preoccupied with his broken arm. As her eyes quickly adjusted she walked down the ramp onto the dock of Devil's Bay.

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